Category: Sculpture

Showing all 5 results

  • Bag Lady: A Goddess Figurine

    By Pirjo Polari-Khan

    The shape of this piece is based on the form of a goddess figurine from the Cycladic period. Cyclades are a small group of Greek islands in southern Aegean Ocean. Leafing through the books about ancient goddesses I wonder about the significance of their shape, pose and the accessories they carry. If this piece was found thousand years from now, people might think that women were obsessed about hang bags then. And they would be right!

    Venus series: The fore-mother for my Venus series is the Venus of Willendorf, also know the Woman of Willendorf. This 4.3 “ high (11cm) figurine was found 1908 by archaeologist Josef Szombathy at a paleolithic site near Willendorf, a village in Lower Austria near the city of Krems. It is estimated to be made between 24,000 and 22,000 BCE. The figurine is carved from a type of lime stone that isn’t found at the local area and tinted with red ochre.

  • Desert Island

    Desert Island:

    Who Would You Like to Take to a Deserted Island With You? The thought, as old as time when eyes of two strangers meet the first time in a crowded room: I would like to take her/him to a deserted island with me.

  • Genesis

    The inspiration for Genesis came from Finland national epic Kalevala

    It explains the birth of the world; In the beginning there was a maiden sitting in an ocean. A large bird flew by and laid an egg on her knee. From the warmth of her body the egg hatched and cracked in two pieces; the top became the sky and the bottom the earth.

  • Pillow


    While attending elementary school in Finland way back in the 60’s, girls were required to take handicraft classes. One of the projects was to embroider our initials on a pillowcase. Being awkward and clumsy with my hands, I used a thick thread with a gigantic needle and went over my initials many times to be sure they would show. During her rounds, my teacher stopped by my desk and -trying to hide her smile- said Pirjo, if I were you, I wouldn’t sleep on the pillowcase because it will scare your face for life. On the hind side the humiliating incident turned out to be a good one; turning bad experiences into positive ones became my life philosophy.

    The Pillow can be used as a paper napkin holder or paperweight. You can have your own message/names/initials etc. on the pillow. Eight characters max on both lines can be ordered for custom pieces.


  • Pueblo


    Pueblo is a candle lantern inspired by ancient New Mexican habitats.

    The windows of a pueblo are light up at the sunset.

    Each is a custom built to size up to 22 inches in length.



