Showing 28–28 of 28 results

  • What Do you See?

    Story: Western women tend to feel superior to the women of the less developed countries. We think that being under the male rule they don’t have even freedom to think. We don’t see that we are blindfolded by the fashion trends that forces us to be something we can’t or don’t want to be and that makes us feel that we are not good as we are. Looking through the eyes of other women, we can share their wisdom.

    Venus series: The fore-mother for my Venus series is the Venus of Willendorf, also know the Woman of Willendorf. This 4.3 high (11cm) figurine was found 1908 by archaeologist Josef Szombathy at a paleolithic site near Willendorf, a village in Lower Austria near the city of Krems. It is estimated to be made between 24,000 and 22,000 BCE. The figurine is carved from a type of lime stone that isn’t found at the local area and tinted with red ochre.
